Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Ballad of W., Nixon and Ron

{sung to the tune of "Abraham, Martin and John")

Has anybody here, seen Richard Nixon?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He tricked us with Watergate, his impeachment ran on and on.
I just couldn't wait 'til he'd gone.

Has anybody here, seen Ronald Reagan?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He sold guns to Iranians, and slept while AIDS carried on.
I just couldn't wait 'til he'd gone.

Has anybody here, seen George Bush (called W.)?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He lies us to war and then, got his torture on.
I could barely wait 'til he'd gone.

Now everybody here, is scared of the latest one,
I wonder where those crooks have gone.
Trump's worse than the lot of them. "Fake news," he lies. (Racist con.)
I fear democracy will be gone.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Titanic sinks, big league!

WEST PALM BEACH (AP) In what might be considered a major setback for Donald Trump, his entire administration including his White House staff, Cabinet and all Republican Senators and Congressmen, have perished while celebrating on his yacht, the Titanic, off the coast of West Palm Beach, Florida. In a unique, and some might say, coincidental turn of events, the party ship crashed into an iceberg just 45 miles off the coast. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and John Roberts also perished in the accident, along with presidential advisor Vladimir Putin.

An immense crowd of over thirty mourners gathered around the White House gate, leaving mementos of roses, Mardi Gras beads and Cheeto-stained tax returns. Meanwhile, the next person in line for the Presidency, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, took the oath of office. "I better find me a Vice-President right quick," she quipped.

In a statement upon hearing the news, Not-The-First-Lady Melania Trump said, "I no know. I stay New York. Barron have school."

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Back to the beginning...and the end

Some twenty years ago I wrote a one-page newsletter that I called The Alpha-Omega Times. I had no idea of the religious significance of the title at the time. I just liked the way it sounded. I also like the idea of opposites: yin/yang, and all that.  I do apologize if you expected something about god here. Uh-uh.

Back then I wrote several issues of sarcastic fake news stories (mostly making fun of Bill Clinton), but had no server, no way to circulate it. It could have become The Onion if I'd kept at it (or so I'd like to believe). The times call for me to try again. I plan to write when (and if) my fancy strikes me, and however I am moved at the time. There will be serious commentary and nasty satire. I like to be that thread of pulled pork that you just can't get out of your teeth, so I will hopefully piss some people off. Here goes my next adventure.  I need to exercise my brain, and exorcise my demons.