Friday, June 23, 2017

Monsters in our midst (well, in the midst of the Congress and Senate)

I already know the answers, but I have to ask. why would Republicans want to reduce medical coverage for the neediest and most at-risk Americans?  How can these people, many of whom consider themselves religious and caring, even think about doing what they are about to do?

Of course, the answers are obvious:
  1.  They don't care about the people losing healthcare.
  2.  They don't care about most religions' pronouncement on caring for the less fortunate.
  3.  Maybe they care a little, but they care more about their wealthy donors' tax breaks.  

I've seen a lot of galling things in my life, but this one takes the cake (see above.) Tax breaks for the rich don't help anyone but the rich (see Kansas under Brownback). But that's the point, isn't it?

Who should pay for healthcare? Only those who can afford it? Would you deny healthcare to the those who can't? Should they (maybe I should say "we") just be allowed to suffer and die, while Congress and their owners eat steak? What kind of monsters are you, Republicans?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Can't remember, but it will come to me soon.

On the way to work this morning, I had a great idea for a blog. Two hours later, when I have time to think about it, nothing but a vague memory that I had a great idea. That is all.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Trump has made his bed, so he has to lie about it

Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States, is not someone who lies. He is a liar, someone whose lies are a defining part of his persona. He lies about everything. He lies to cover up misdeeds, he lies to make himself look better. Sometimes he lies just to lie.

I will not use the word “misspeak” in this post, with its implications of accidental use of wrong information. No, Trump lies on purpose, and enjoys the idea that he gets away with it.
And get away it he does. He knows he lies, we know it, the people who defend him know it. Even the Wall Street Journal, which in early January (before the inauguration) refused to call Trump’s lies “lies,” by March said that he clings to falsehoods “like a drunk to an empty gin bottle.”

In a way, it’s an impressive feat. He has gotten evangelical Christians to forget the ninth commandment (thou shalt not bear false witness); they love him anyway. He deflects by calling other people liars (Lyin’ Ted! Lying Hillary! Comey’s a liar), when they point out his lying ways.

The old joke “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” must have been invented for him. When presented with audio or visual evidence that contradicts him, he sticks to his lies about: illegal voters; his net worth; Russian intervention; his health; releasing his taxes; Obama’s birthplace; his inheritance; Muslims cheering 9/11; and on, and on, and on.

When he calls James Comey a leaker, that’s a lie. The wall? A lie. Heathcare for everyone? A lie. Tax reform? A lie. Maybe it would be easier to name instances where Trump has told the truth. Nope, can’t think of one. And that's the truth.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Audacity of Trump's Hope

Today former FBI director James Comey testified before the Senate that President "hoped" he could "let it go," meaning the pursuit of Michael Flynn in the investigation of Russia's meddling in our election. Comey was taken to task by Idaho Senator Jim Risch (R) for interpreting "hope" as a direct order. If Sen. Risch had access to a dictionary, he would find that any definition of "hope" as a verb, either transitive or intransitive, includes the words "desire" and/or "expect." See Merriam/Webster's entry HERE.

Trump was not using "hope" as one would hope, say, the Penguins win the Stanley Cup (go Pens!) You don't send all the other important folks,except the one person who can stop the investigation, out of the room to "hope" something happens. "Gee, James, I hope it doesn't rain during my golf game this weekend!" Come on, Sen. Risch, get real.

Trump likes to use the word "hope." He thought Comey should hope there were no tapes.

Today, Comey said, basically, Bring on the tapes! You want to know what I hope? I think you can guess.