Thursday, October 12, 2017

Harvey, I can't even

I can't finish writing even one blog without another horrible thing happening. Hurricanes, fires, #LoserPresident mishandling of hurricanes and fires. Police brutality and other government-sponsored atrocities. Then along comes Harvey Weinstein.

I was brought up to weigh everything in the context of "is it good/bad for Jews?" Bugsy Siegel, Bernie Madoff, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Bad for Jews. Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Great for Jews. Adam Sandler? Nu, who cares?

So when I hear that HARVEY WEINSTEIN sexually assaulted and exposed himself in front of unwilling women, I have to shout, "Oy gevalt!" I don't suppose anyone hears the name "Harvey Weinstein" and thinks, those darn Episcopalians? (I confess I felt inbred Jewish shame when Harvey was chosen as the name of a hurricane.) At least scumbag Steven Miller, from his name, could be anything, though still a scumbag. But Harvey Weinstein is a landsman (Yiddish for the Italian paisan); we're stuck with him. But we don't have to own him.

Now Mr. Weinstein has asked for a second chance, saying "We all make mistakes." No.

NO. NO. NO!!! A mistake is when you call a person "Sam" when you know she prefers "Samantha." Taking your penis out in public is not a mistake. It's not an illness. It's just plain disgusting, a display of power and male chauvinism seen over and over again in this world. Think Cosby. Think Trump. So just stop it. Go away. Maybe talk to your rabbi.

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